Disease caused by deficiency of vitamin D-sources

Disease caused by deficiency of vitamin D and Rich sources of vitamin D

Today I am going to tell you about the diseases caused by the deficiency of Vitamin D and few sources of Vitamin D. Vitamin D is very important for our body. Chemical Name of Vitamin D is Calciferol.

Now the Question arises: Which disease is caused by the deficiency of Vitamin D? So the answer to the question would be that the main disease which is caused by deficiency of Vitamin D is Rickets.

Now I am going to tell you about the deficiencies of Vitamin D in detail and diseases caused by it. I’ll also explain about the different Sources of Vitamin D.

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Symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D is very necessary for all the human beings.

Let’s read about the most common symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency

• Muscle Pain

• Hair Loss

• Bone Loss

• Impaired Wound Healing

• Bone and Back Pain


• Fatigue and Tiredness

• Getting Sick or Infected Often

Diseases Caused by the Deficiency of Vitamin D

Rickets(in children) and Osteomalasia(in adults)  are the main diseases caused by Deficiency of Vitamin D. And You just read it’s symptoms in earlier heading. So After Observing that symptoms there are some chances to Rickets or Osteomalasia.

So For gaining Vitamin D you can go for these rich sources of Vitamin D –

Rich Sources of Vitamin D

There are a lot of sources for Vitamin D. You can have them as per your convenience. I’m going to suggest few sources of Vitamin D.

Rich Sources of Vitamin D are:

• Fish liver oil

• Milk

• Egg yolk

• Mushroom

Other than food we can get vitamin D from sunshine. Our body can make and absorb vitamin D from sun exposure. That’s why vitamin D is also known as sunshine vitamin.

Conclusion: Disease Caused by Deficiency of Vitamin D and Sources of Vitamin D

Well you just read about Vitamin D and its Symptoms, Which diseases are caused by the deficiency of Vitamin D, Rich Sources of Vitamin D, Best Sources of Vitamin D. I hope you have understood the topic about Vitamin D completely.

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Tags- disease caused by Vitamin D, which disease caused by deficiency of vitamin D, best source of Vitamin D, rich source of Vitamin D, the best source of Vitamin D, what are the sources of Vitamin D, good sources of Vitamin D, main source of Vitamin D, natural sources of vitamin a, symptoms of Vitamin D, Vitamin D symptoms.

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