Today, I am Going to Tell You About Sex Determination Process of Human and Drosophila. In this Article, You will learn about Sex Determination Mechanism, Theory and Process of Human and Drosophila.
- XX, XY type
- Man
- Drosophila fly
- XX, XO type
What is sex determination? Describe the macanism of sex determination in human?
- The process by which sex of potential zygote (male and female genome) is determine are known as sex-determination.
- Sexually reproducing organism are divided into two section , According to two kinds of sexual gametes,which are male sex and female sex.In bisexual organism body has both male and female sex part with producess male and female gamete.In unisexual organism body has separate male and female,which producess male and female gamete.
- In sexual reproduction zygote will develop into a male or female individual,hence determination of sex depend of the genome of zygote which is determined by various macanism,known as sex-determination.
Sex Determination In Human:
- In human sex determination follow ‘Sex Chromosomal Macanism’ which is “XX-XY” type or female homogametic and male heterogametic type.
- In human total number of chromosomes is 46(23pairs),in which 44 chromosomes (22pairs) are Autosome. While one pair is called Sex-chromosome.
- Autosome are similar in both male and female but sex chromosome are different.In man sex chromosome is represented by ‘XY’ and in women sex chromosome is represent by ‘XX’.
- On the basis of Sex-chromosome man is ‘heterogamatic’ and women is ‘homogamatic’.
Heterogametic man:
Man produces a two type sperms-
- 22A+X=50%
- 22A+Y=50%
Homogametic female:
Women produces only one type of Ova-
- 22A+X=100%
Sex Determination Process of Human:

What is sex determination? Describe the mechanism of sex determination in Drosophila?
- Sexually reproducing organism are divided into two section,According to two kinds of sexual gametes which are male Drosophila sex and female Drosophila sex in bisexual organism body has both male drosophila and female drosophila sex part,with producess male drosophila and female drosophila gamete.
- In unisexual organism body has separate male and female which producess male and female gamete.
- In sexual reproduction zygote will develop into a male or female individual hence determination of sex depend on the genome of zygote which is determined by various mechanism known as SEX-DETERMINATION.
Sex Determination In Drosophila:
- In drosophila sex determination follow “sex chromosomal mechanism”, which is “XX-XY” type or female homogametic and male heterogametic type.
- In Drosophila total number of chromosome is 8(4pairs) in which 6(3pairs) are Autosome.while one pair(2) is called Sex-chromosome.
- Autosome are similar in both male and female drosophila but sex chromosome are different.In male drosophila sex chromosome is represented by ‘XY’ chromosome and in female drosophila sex chromosome is represented by ‘XX’.
- On the basis of Sex-chromosome male drosophila is heterogametic and female drosophila is ‘homogamatic’.
Heterogametic Male Drosophila:
Male drosophila produces two type sperms-
- 3A+X=50%
- 3A+Y=50%
Homogametic Female Drosophila:
Female drosophila produces only one type Ova-
- 3A+X=100%
Sex Determination Process of Drosophila:

When Y-chromosome containing sperm fertilized the ovam the sex of zygote will be male drosophila and when X-chromosome containing sperm fertilized the ovam the sex of zygote will be female drosophila.