Disease caused by deficiency of vitamin B and sources of vitamin B

Disease caused by deficiency of vitamin B and sources of vitamin B

Today I am going to tell you about the diseases caused by the deficiency of Vitamin B and few sources of vitamin B. The chemical name of vitamin B is Thiamin. Vitamin B is very important for our body.

Now the Question arises: Which disease is caused by the deficiency of vitamin B? So the answer to the question would be that the main disease which is caused by deficiency of Vitamin B is Beri-Beri And the other diseases caused by vitamin B are Explained in below. 

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Now I am going to tell you about the deficiencies of Vitamin B in detail and diseases caused by it. I’ll also explain about the different Sources of Vitamin B.

Types of Vitamin B

There are different types of Vitamin B:

  1. Vitamin B1 (Chemical Name- Thiamine)
  2. Vitamin B2 (Chemical Name- Riboflavin)
  3. Vitamin B3 (Chemical Name- Niacin)
  4. Vitamin B5 (Chemical Name- Pantothenic acid)
  5. Vitamin B6 (Chemical Name- Pyridoxine)
  6. Vitamin B7 (Chemical Name- Biotin)
  7. Vitamin B9 – Folate (called folic acid when included in supplements)
  8. Vitamin B12 (Chemical Name- cyanocobalamin)

Symptoms of Vitamin B deficiency

In developed countries like the USA and European countries, there are very few cases of Vitamin B deficiency. But In developing countries like India, People don’t have enough access to Vitamin B. So there are many cases of Vitamin B deficiency.

Symptoms of Vitamin B-1 and B-2 Deficiency

It is seen that people who misuse alcohol it’s some symptoms such as confusion and cracks along the sides of the mouth.

Main Symptoms of Vitamin B-3 are Digestive system issues, Mental Confusion.

Let’s read about the most common symptoms of Vitamin B-6 deficiency:

  • Depression
  • Confusion
  • Nausea
  • Anemia
  • Susceptibility to infections
  • Skin rashes (dermatitis)

Some Symptoms of Vitamin B-9 Deficiency are Diarrhea, and anemia.

Let’s read about the most common symptoms of Vitamin B-12 deficiency

  • Tingling in the feet and hands 
  • Extreme fatigue 
  • Weakness 
  • Irritability or depression

Diseases Caused by the Deficiency of Vitamin B

So, I Tell you some main diseases caused by Vitamin B. 

Vitamin B-1 and B-2Beri-Beri
Vitamin B-3Nausea, Abdominal Cramps
Vitamin B-6Anaemia, Skin Disorder
Vitamin B-9Diarrhea, Anaemia, Folate Deficiency (In Pregnant Women
Vitamin B-12Anaemia, Confusion in Older Adults, Dementia, Paranoia, Depression

Sources of Vitamin B

There are a lot of sources for Vitamin B. You can have them as per your convenience. I’m going to suggest few sources of Vitamin B.

Sources of Vitamin B 12

You can Take eggs, fish, cheese, a glass of milk, Liver, Red Meat as Vitamin B-12’s sources. 

Sources of Vitamin B 6

Beef liver, chickpeas, whole grains and cereals, Watermelon and Potatoes are great sources for Vitamin B-6.

Vitamin B 1 – B 2 sources

Whole Grains, Milk, Eggs, Dark Green Vegetables can be taken as Vitamin B1-B2 Sources.

sources of Vitamin B-3 and B-9

Chicken, fish, liver, Whole Grains, Peanuts are the rich sources of Vitamin B-3. 

meats, whole grains, beefs, citrus fruits, fish, fortified cereals, legumes, green leafy vegetables, liver and kidney are the great sources of Vitamin B-9.

Conclusion: Disease Caused by Deficiency of Vitamin B and Sources of Vitamin B

Well you just read about Vitamin B and its Types, Which diseases are caused by the deficiency of Vitamin B, Rich Sources of Vitamin B, Best Sources of Vitamin B. I hope you have understood the topic about Vitamin B completely.

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Tags- disease caused by deficiency of vitamin b 12, which disease is caused by deficiency of vitamin b 12, disease caused by vitamin b12, which disease caused by deficiency of vitamin b 12, best source of vitamin b, rich source of vitamin b, the best source of vitamin b 12, what are the sources of vitamin b 12, good sources of vitamin b,main source of vitamin b 12, natural sources of vitamin b.

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