UPSC IAS SYLLABUS PDF Download – UPSC 2021 has released it official notification exam on 12th February 2021.
One can find detailed IAS syllabus at the official website of UPSC – or scroll down to see the UPSC syllabus for both prelims and main examination.

UPSC IAS Syllabus with PDF 2021
UPSC civil services is conducted in 3 phases:
- Preliminary examination of Civil services comprises of Objective type questions
- Main examination of Civil services comprises of Descriptive type questions
- Personal Interview to check personality test
Phase 1 – UPSC Prelims Exam
The prelims examination is comprised of two components that is:
- GS (General studies)
- CSAT (Civil services aptitude test)
Both the examination comprises of 200 marks for 2 hours’ examination. GS held in morning from 9:30 am to 1:30 am and CSAT held in afternoon shift that is from 2:30 Pm to 4:30 pm.
The UPSC Preliminary examination of civil services comprises of two papers that are objective type and each paper carries 200 marks that makes 400 marks and of two hours of duration. To qualify civil services, it is compulsory to attend both the papers.
Furthermore, UPSC General studies paper comprises of 100 questions and CSAT paper comprises of 80 questions and both paper carries negative marks for every wrong answers of 1/3rd of the total marked assigned to that particular question. The questions which are not attempted will not have any negative marks.
The two papers of UPSC IAS are discussed in detail below:
- General studies (GS)- this paper schedule in morning shift that is from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM. The aim of this examination is to test candidate general awareness and the range of subjects it includes are as follows:
- Indian Polity
- Geography
- History
- Indian Economy
- Science and Technology
- Environmental and Ecology
- International Relations
- Current Affairs
- Civil Services Aptitude Test (CSAT) – this paper schedule in afternoon shift that is from 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM. The aim of this examination is to test aptitude of the candidate by solving Reasoning and Analytical questions apart from reading comprehension and decision making questions. The decision making question are exempted from negative marks. The preliminary examination is taken just to screening of a candidate for the following stages of the exam. The marks obtained in the prelims will not be added in final rank list
Syllabus for General Studies (GS – Prelims Paper I)
- Current affairs of national and international importance
- Indian History and National movement
- Geography- Indian and World which also includes physical, social, economic geography of India and World
- Indian Polity and Governance
- Economic and Social development
- General issues on Environmental ecology, biodiversity and climate change
- General science
Syllabus for Civil Services Aptitude Test (CSAT – Prelims Paper II)
- Comprehension
- Interpersonal and communication skills
- Logical reasoning and analytical ability
- Decision making and problem solving
- General mental ability
- Basic numerical based on numbers and their relations, order of magnitude and etc. which is of class 10th level and Data interpretation which is also based on class 10th level.