A marriage certificate is a legal proof and an official statement that two people are married. In 2206, the supreme court in India made it compulsory to register one’s marriage in light of women’s protection. In India, there are two acts under which marriages can be registered: Hindu Marriage Act,1955, or the Special marriage act,1954. The marriage certificate is the most vital document in a marriage.

- AADHAR card of the bride, groom and the witnesses
- two colored passport sized photographs
- All documents must be self-attested
- Address proof( voter ID card/ration card/passport) of the bride, groom and the witnesses
- Nationality proof if one of the individuals is a foreigner
- Age proof of the bride and groom
- Separate marriage affidavits in the prescribed format
It is essential to be noted that the legal age for marriage in India is 18 for girls and 21 for boys, hence the marriage certificate is made keeping this insight. The application form should be completely filled and signed by both husband and wife.
Various state governments have different portals for registration of marriages like for Delhi; one can register at delhi.gov.in, firstly one needs to select their district and continue. The next step is to fill the details of the husband and wife, fill in the marriage certificate form, and select the date of appointment. Submit the application after this. A temporary number would be allotted to you on an acknowledgment slip; a printout of this slip needs to be taken.
In case of marriage done under the Hindu Marriage Act, one will get an appointment within 15 days of applying, but in case of the Special Marriage Act, it can take about 60 days.
Any person who has attended the wedding is a witness of the marriage and can sign the application form. The witnesses must have any identity proof like AADHAR card or PAN card and proof of residence.
- If you are applying for a passport or want to open a bank account after marriage, then the marriage certificate is essential for applying.
- It is needed to obtain visas of both husband and wife.
- Mandatory for the couple to travel abroad using a spouse visa.
- Helps a spouse to claim life insurance return or bank deposits in case of a demise of the depositor.
A minimal fee is to be paid along with the application form. In the case of the Hindu Marriage Act, the fee is Rs.100, while in the case of the Special Marriage Act, it is Rs150 ( might vary according to the state).
The fees should be deposited to the district authority and attach its receipt along with the completely filled application form.
Verification of all the documents submitted along with the application form is crucial, and only after this, the marriage certificate can be issued. Each and every paper should be self-attested by both husband and wife. It is mandatory to get the marriage certificate issued to avail the benefits in the future.