Expectancy Theory of Victor Vroom, Expectancy Theory of Motivation : Today We are going to discuss Expectancy Theory of Motivation or Victor Vroom’s Expectancy Theory. It’s Very Important Theory of Motivation.
Expectancy Theory of Motivation, Victor Vroom’s Theory

Victor Vroom propounded the process theory of motivation. It explains the relationship between theory, effort, performance and reward. Victor Vroom said that motivation is based on expectancy, instrumentality and valence.
These Relationship is divided into 3 Series. So let’s discuss about these one by one-
Efforts Performance Relation –
It is the recognition by a person that his efforts will lead him to execution, it tells us about expectancy.
Anticipation means that the effort will lead to execution and results. It is based on self-efficacy. Expectancy is evaluated as a probability. It keeps increasing in the middle.
Performance rewards relation –
It is the recognition by someone that performance leads to rewards and results. It tells us about Instrumentality.
It shows the relationship between performance and returns. It keeps on decreasing between – 1 to + 1.
Rewards Personal Goal Relationship
Every person is confident that his efforts will lead him to certain results.
The higher the power or expectation of the result, the higher the level of motivation. Which is called strength.
According to this theory, motivation is the result of a mixture of strength, curiosity, and anticipation.
It can also be represented by a formula. –
Motivation = Strength × Career × Anticipation
So guys this is the Expectancy Theory of Victor vroom, Expectancy Theory of Motivation, Expectancy Theory by Victor vroom, Victor Vroom’s Expectancy Theory.