Maths Pedagogy Study material For CTET, UPTET & All Teachers Exam. In this post I’m going to provide you all the information about Maths pedagogy and how is it important.
In this Post we are going to share some topics about Maths pedagogy study material such as, (Nature of mathematics),NCF, (Place of mathematics in curriculum) ,Brainstorming, and Community mathematics.
CTET Maths Pedagogy, Maths Pedagogy For CTET, important points for CTET Math Pedagogy, Math pedagogy for UPTET, CTET Maths pedagogy in English, Maths Pedagogy for KVS, Maths Pedagogy For DSSSB

Maths Pedagogy Study materials For CTET, UPTET,DSSSB,KVS & All Teachers Exam
As we all know that in the examinations such as Shikshak Bharti, CTET, UPTET, TGT, and All other teachers exams, the questions which are asked are related to maths pedagogy.
So putting this thing in mind ,in this post we are going to explain the maths pedagogy complete study notes on nature of mathematics briefly and I hope that it will help you.
The notes which are I’m going to provide you are very beneficial and important to you so please read it carefully with an open mind.
NATURE OF MATHEMATICS [Maths Pedagogy Imp. Topics]
The mathematics is a very important subject. So before Teaching the mathematics, one should know that what is mathematics and why is it used ,what is the importance of mathematics.
There are many definitions of mathematics such as the mathematics in the science of computations. Mathematics is the measurement of direction and magnitude and also the mathematics begins with a count.
CTET Maths Pedagogy, Maths Pedagogy For CTET, important points for CTET Math Pedagogy, Math pedagogy for UPTET, CTET Maths pedagogy in English, Maths Pedagogy for KVS, Maths Pedagogy For DSSSB
1- The basis of knowledge of mathematics are our senses
2- Intangible suffixes in mathematics are converted into tangible and also interpreted.
3- Mathematics has its own language which means mathematical terms ,theorems, mathematical suffix, mathematical concept, formulae,theory, and hints that are of a particular type.
4- Everything in mathematics is logic and it is the science of logical ideas.
5- A study of mathematics establishes the habit of reasoning in the brain.
6- Mathematics is the basis of knowledge that can be trusted.
7- Knowledge of mathematics gives confidence in the question positive approach of children.
8-Scientific approach develops in children.
Mathematics has been instrumental in fulfilling the objectives of education since ancient times. In school, the kothari commission has asked for keeping mathematics upto class 10 as an important as well as compulsory subject.
As general education mathematics should be made compulsory for students of class 1 to 10th.
But some people insist on making mathematics an alternative subject after class 8th, given various reasons against it.
1-This is very difficult theme, it requires fast object for learning. Not all children are the same.
2-The number of failures in mathematics in high school is higher than in other subjects
3- Maths is not important for everyone because it’s not compulsory that th student will become an engineer or technician.
CTET Maths Pedagogy, Maths Pedagogy For CTET, important points for CTET Math Pedagogy, Math pedagogy for UPTET, CTET Maths pedagogy in English, Maths Pedagogy for KVS, Maths Pedagogy For DSSSB
1- Children should enjoy mathematics instead of being afraid from it. Every student has proper right to learn mathematics.
2- Children learn important mathematics formula in mathematics is much more than young mechanical processes.
3- Children should raise meaningful problems and solve them.
4- Education of mathematics develops reasoning, thinking, abstract thinking, and problem solving ability in children.
5- Children understand the basic structure of mathematics-arithmatic, algebra, line math, trignometry.
6- Children can add the necessary daily math to mathematics.
7- NCF 2005 seeks mathematics a curriculum that can teach ambitious, consistent and important mathematics.
8- The main goal of mathematics teaching should be mathematicalization , that is, the development of logical and abstract thinking and numerical skills.
9- Children should be thought the principles of mathematics through greater activities.
CTET Maths Pedagogy, Maths Pedagogy For CTET, important points for CTET Math Pedagogy, Math pedagogy for UPTET, CTET Maths pedagogy in English, Maths Pedagogy for KVS, Maths Pedagogy For DSSSB
Brainstorming is a useful learning strategy in the classroom. It is a powerful strategy that generate ideas and helps to find solutions of problems. It is an excellent teaching method for creating ideas on a given topic.
Brainstorming helps to promote thinking skills. When students are asked to think about everything related to concept then their skills are being developed.
This technique encourages creative and organizational horses in children. Debate is held, It is not necessary that the ideas or reviews that children are giving are meaningful. In this way the question-and-thinking is solved is solved through VIS.
- Promotes success for students with special needs.
- Useful for inclusive classes.
- Eliminates fears of failures.
- Gives all the students a chance to express their views.
- Gives a chance to recall the former knowledge.
- Gives a chance to try anything without fear.
- Helps in mental development of the students.
CTET Maths Pedagogy, Maths Pedagogy For CTET, important points for CTET Math Pedagogy, Math pedagogy for UPTET, CTET Maths pedagogy in English, Maths Pedagogy for KVS, Maths Pedagogy For DSSSB
Things to remember at the time of brainstorming
● Give all children a chance to express their views as much as possible.
● Record all the ideas.
● Do not express your assessment on any ideas on any ideas submitted.
● There is no wrong answer.
Community mathematics
● Mathematics is a subject of great social importance. It helps in proper organization and maintenance of our social structure.
● Knowledge of mathematics is much needed for social living. Because even in the society, the business of tradetrade, industry, etc, . depends on mathematics.
● In the absence of mathematicsmathematics, the nature of the entire social system and structurestructure will be disturbed , i.e, the social life of human beings depends on mathematics.
● Recognizing the significance of mathematics, , Napoleon said, “The progress and reform of mathematics is linked to the prosperity of the state.”
CTET Maths Pedagogy, Maths Pedagogy For CTET, important points for CTET Math Pedagogy, Math pedagogy for UPTET, CTET Maths pedagogy in English, Maths Pedagogy for KVS, Maths Pedagogy For DSSSB
The importance of mathematics in community life can be explained by the following points:
1-Development of ethical values
Explaining the importance of the moral values of mathematics, the great philosopher Duton said, “Mathematics gives rational thinking, reality and the power to speak the truth.”The knowledge of mathematics is helpful in the character and moral development of the children.
2-Development of cultural values
The famous mathematician Hongwen wrote, ” Mathematics is a mirror of civilization and culture. The culture of each society and the nation is estimated by the riddles of people of that national society, such as customs , catering, artistic advancement, social and political, etc. The mathematics is considered to be cultural and Savita’s creation.
3-Development of living standards
One of the main objectives of education is to enable children to earn their livelihood and get chance to be employed.
Mathematics, compared to other countries , helps in achieving this objective most of the time in today’s scientific and technological times using the laws, principles and tools of science is universal.
4-Development of psychological values
Mathematics education is also useful from a psychological point of view. Teaching mathematics follows different rules of a psychologist. Mathematics develops qualities of such as creative tendencies , reasoning, curiosity, etc., In the student.
CTET Maths Pedagogy, Maths Pedagogy For CTET, important points for CTET Math Pedagogy, Math pedagogy for UPTET, CTET Maths pedagogy in English, Maths Pedagogy for KVS, Maths Pedagogy For DSSSB
5-Society and mathematics
Everyone in our society who earns livelihood, and he spends income , he/she needs knowledge of mathematics in any of the way.
Not only industrialists, engineers, doctors, maths teachers, and business persons but the smallest persons in the society like labourers , porters, rickshaw drivers , need the knowledge of mathematics.
In this regard , the young sir has said that, “in this age of ironiron, vapour and power, whatever you look at, mathematics is paramount, if the spinal cord is removedremoved, our physical civilization will come to an end. “